Английский - это основной информационный ресурс, все достижения науки и исследования на этом языке. Чтобы понять о чем я надо окунуться в это и поймешь. На этом языке огромное информационная вселенная.
Китайцы сами английский учат. Они то его знают так как родной ну не все конечно , определнный процент. Но если его помножить на количество людей ... И все копируют копируют. Занимаються шпионажем во всем мире, в больших масштабах. Это проблема в Корее номер один.
Здесь информационная безопасность поставленяа на первое место, каждый пользователь зарегин по айди (номеру пачторта) и люой доступ куда угодно на почту на айди прописан (ноиер пачпорта) и телефон тоже с тобой этот номер на всю жизнь как налоговый номер. Вот вам и чипизация. Здесь в фирмах чувствуешь как отделы безопаности работают. И реально предотвращают тысячи случаев в год утечки в Китай - это по одной только уважаемой фирме.
2 Kazakh. Ok then. As i understood you are working for koreyan company (for some reasons you've ignored my query to you) and you are talking too much regarding having the same process out here in RoK. Would you be so kind then just to specify me why you are not working for RoK company or any authorities in RoK? what's the reason of yours' koreyan "patriotism"?
2 Kazakh. and one more thing regarding yours' comment on western company out here (in RoK) are employeing people with knowledge of english and good qualification. So, i've been trying to get any job but all my attemps have been ignoring so i was forced to use "agashka". That's why please do not tell things if you are not sure in.
)))) I do not answer the questions conserning my personality. It is my personal secret.
I can't revael it. Please understand me. We are discussing here the life in Kazakstan, the destiny of my motherland. So I do not want to talk about something else. I have а homesick. That is why am here. I am blind patriot of my motherland. I am here not to show my "superior" abilities. And I think you know russian )))
2 kazakh. I'm working for one of the oil&gas western company in the West of Kazakhstan and believe me to get this job i was forced to go through the rough way among "agashka". You know why? Because all exparts working in RoK know that they depend on work visa, authorities and etc. It means even exparts are under the press of the existing system. Ye, you've got me right, i know russian language. But just to demonstrate you some facts of RoK real life the decision to write in english was taken. To prove my words due to "agashka" out here try to be employed in one of the western companies out here in West of RoK. believe me, "agashizm" -its everywhere. I've been working in different western companies and if a person has good carrier very soon some of his relative will be near by him. Agashizm - its not the RoK pasteboard its worldwide problem.
Ядершик я не корейский казах это во первых а во вторых я не в Сеуле а в Пусане. Казах,это идея,давай встретимся и отметим Наурыз моё мило "domashikov84@mail.ru".
2 palych. most interesting thing here is that Kazakh is in Koreya and trying to defend the RoK way from out there. Specially funny thing is that he's got a homesick.
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